Introduction to gem types

d.鑽石 Diamond「四月份生日石」介紹

d.Introduction to Diamond "April Birthstone"

Diamond (scientific name: diamond) belongs to the category of natural elements, and its chemical composition is carbon (C). The crystal system of diamond crystal is equiaxed crystal system, with high...

d.Introduction to Diamond "April Birthstone"

Diamond (scientific name: diamond) belongs to the category of natural elements, and its chemical composition is carbon (C). The crystal system of diamond crystal is equiaxed crystal system, with high...

c.海藍寶 Aquamarine「三月份生日石」介紹

c. Introduction to Aquamarine "March Birthstone"

Aquamarine, also known as "sea sapphire", is a silicate mineral that belongs to the beryl family. Its chemical formula is Be3Al2Si6O18, and its crystal system is hexagonal. Aquamarine has a...

c. Introduction to Aquamarine "March Birthstone"

Aquamarine, also known as "sea sapphire", is a silicate mineral that belongs to the beryl family. Its chemical formula is Be3Al2Si6O18, and its crystal system is hexagonal. Aquamarine has a...

b.紫水晶 Amethyst  「二月份生日石」介紹

b. Amethyst "February Birthstone" introduction

Amethyst is a gem mineral variant with a chemical composition of SiO2. Its crystal structure belongs to the trigonal crystal system, with a specific gravity of 2.65 and a Mohs...

b. Amethyst "February Birthstone" introduction

Amethyst is a gem mineral variant with a chemical composition of SiO2. Its crystal structure belongs to the trigonal crystal system, with a specific gravity of 2.65 and a Mohs...

a.石榴石 Garnet  「一月份生日石」介紹

a. Introduction to Garnet "January Birthstone"

Garnet is a silicate mineral. Its name comes from the medieval Latin "granatus", which means "like a seed." The name comes from the shape and color of pomegranate seeds, as...

a. Introduction to Garnet "January Birthstone"

Garnet is a silicate mineral. Its name comes from the medieval Latin "granatus", which means "like a seed." The name comes from the shape and color of pomegranate seeds, as...